The newly poured concrete sub-base floor has hardened enough that the wood forms can be removed.
The next step in renovating this raised terrace and installing thin-stone veneer is to apply wire mesh to the block walls and then a “scratch coat” of cement (see pic above).
Now the piers have to be formed with plywood and fitted over the vertical reinforcement rods and electrical conduit.
Everything has to line up precisely so that the thin-stone veneer, bluestone step treads and decorative railings fit correctly.
With all the base construction in place on the terrace, the mason begins setting the “thin-stone” veneer.
Care must be taken to select stones so there is a pleasing arrangement of sizes and color tones. This is the same attention to detail you would have with a “full-sized” stone veneer.
Check out the previous post on this project and the next one.