Using Yellow Groove Bamboo over this 270′ border will give us an effective screen in a relatively short time, and at a reasonable cost.
But Yellow Groove happens to be of the “running” type, meaning if not contained its roots (rhizomes actually) will run and invade in all directions.
Planting any invasive plant is serious business. First off know what you’re planting and what it can potentially do.
You could be called a hero the first year it grows and a “scoundrel” the second year as it invades the neighbor’s yard.
Essential Root Barrier
The homeowner didn’t hesitate to authorize the root barrier install. It solved the concern of “running” bamboo and let the plant’s good characteristics shine.
There is no better time to install a root barrier than during the plant installation process. The new plants are not yet in the ground and the equipment & manpower is on-site.
After clearing and rough grading the area, the mini-excavator dug a trench around the perimeter of the planting bed.
This particular bamboo root barrier is made of high density polyethelene and comes as a roll.
Different widths are available and here we used 30″ wide. You want to install it so that a few inches are above final grade.
This protruding collar will help stop and deflect “runners” that are close to the surface.
A good maintenance practice would be to occasionally monitor this barrier just in case some Houdini-like runner makes it over.
Arrange & Install The Bamboo
We’re starting with bamboo in 5 gal. containers from Monrovia Nursery. They’ll stand around 5-6′ tall when planted.
As you can see in the picture above, the plants are arranged in 2 staggered rows with 6′ C-C (center-to-center) spacing.
The irrigation contractor did install a “drip-zone” for the new planting. However, once the bamboo is established I really don’t think scheduled watering will be needed. It’s zoned separately so it can be adjusted however necessary.
With the root barrier installed the bamboo now offers an excellent screen. It won’t be long before it grows into the 12’+ privacy hedge the homeowner is looking for.
Bamboo, like so many areas in landscaping, could be a study unto itself. There are numerous types and varieties along with many different ways to use them.
Years have gone by since this initial project was completed.
During that time we’ve returned to add additional features — like the spa and fireplace area. (see below)
It’s always interesting to come back to past projects and see how plants are developing and hardscapes are handling the test of time.
Here’s the previous post for this project.